2019-06-07 at 10.07.32 AM
Window title
Photo - Google Photos
App title
Google Chrome

A framework is a way of organising information that supports compre.
hension and recall. A well-designed framework can communicate both
simple and complex ideas without overwhelming the reader. While there
are many widely used frameworks that have stood the test of time, every
project has unique raw materials that can lead to something new.

A framework, even one that appears at first glance to be mundane,
has the potential to reveal the world in a new light.

It takes time to tease out the optimal framework, from the first
inkling of an idea run by the team to stress-testing the model to see it if
stands up to new data. Novices tend to become enamoured by high-con-
cept/low-data frameworks that take an additional cognitive effort to
process and are light on insight. Start by identifying up to three things

the framework should communicate before experimenting with layout
and approaches,